Welcome to the Wandering Drays!

Not all who wander are lost...

Welcome to my blog dedicated to my family and our crazy foreign service life. Never content with staying in one place, we are excited to share our journey. We've survived two unaccompanied tour (Baghdad 2010-2011 and Baghdad again in 2015-2016), multiple TDYs, and enjoyed a two-year family assignment in Cairo, Egypt. The fab hubby is currently learning Turkish for our next assignment...Istanbul, Turkey! We leave for Turkey sometime in summer 2017. I write about what I know. Which is mainly kids, tween drama, gross pets, dealing with lots of government info, our moving adventures, being a nurse, yoga, running, living on too-little sleep, and an addiction to coffee lattes. I hope you'll enjoy this glimpse into our lives.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Happy Stuff and Pictures From Legoland!

R&R is awesome.

First of all, there is a Starbucks practically everywhere I go.  REALLY.  Every.Where.  I'm sure in my pre-Cairo days, I knew this.  But somehow, over the past year, I forgot.  I keep worrying, actually panicking!, when I see one that it will be the last Starbucks for hundreds, if not thousands, of miles.  And so, I go to nearly every Starbucks I see.  I'm not gonna lie.  It's completely, totally, undeniably awesome.
Enjoying a cake pop from

Second, UNITED AIRLINES returned our bag! One week, countless phone calls, and one final demanding call from me saying "GIVE ME YOUR SUPERVISOR" resulted in a FedExed bag to Ohio. Sure, I've been working for the Army these past two weeks in Colorado and haven't seen my clothes yet, but the fab hubby back in Ohio assures me that all is there.  And, UNITED AIRLINES did give me a nice clothing allowance to compensate me for having no clothes while I'm in Colorado.  I think maybe they were just worried that I was going to show up on YouTube butt-nekkid singing something like "UNITED AIRLINES took my underwear and won't give it back."

Stop taking this for granted!
Third.  And dude.  THIS IS AWESOME.  Taco Bell makes tacos with shells made out of Doritos.  Yes, this bloggy entry is full of italics AND CAPITALS.  I say again, TACOS WITH SHELLS MADE OUT OF DORITOS.  My fellow Americans!  Stop taking this awesomeness for granted!! Go out and get a taco! And a latte!

And so, what you've been waiting for.  Lots of photos from our family R&R.  Tonight, I bring you pics from our Legoland Florida days.  If you have kids like ours who absolutely looooove Legos, then you need to go there.  Lots more photos from R&R to follow throughout the next few weeks!

That's right!  WELCOME!

If only I could get Owen to smile!  So hard being a 'tween'.

His first merry-go-round ride!

One of my favs.  All three getting along.

Little Bubs tried to run away.  Luckily, he's got a super fast big bro!

While the big kids and the fab hubby were on a rollar coaster, I took
Kellen to the kiddie area.  He had a blast!

Just before the ride.  I think Owen might be nervous.
Abby practiced her fly arms.

But they ended up loving it!

And finally!  When he's not looking at me...
I caught him smiling!

Fake Egypt. Fake Donkey.  Amused.

More fake Egypt!

Lego kid in-training.

Sassy Latte.
Even Lego Darth Vader needs a Latte every now and then.

Legoland has a water park!  This is the only pic we got,
since we were all busy swimming!
Cooling down with popsicles!


  1. Looks like an awesome vacation so far! And you look cute in yellow! (It's not gray! Ha!)

  2. Sounds like your R&R just keeps getting better and better. We love Legoland too. :-)
