Welcome to the Wandering Drays!

Not all who wander are lost...

Welcome to my blog dedicated to my family and our crazy foreign service life. Never content with staying in one place, we are excited to share our journey. We've survived two unaccompanied tour (Baghdad 2010-2011 and Baghdad again in 2015-2016), multiple TDYs, and enjoyed a two-year family assignment in Cairo, Egypt. The fab hubby is currently learning Turkish for our next assignment...Istanbul, Turkey! We leave for Turkey sometime in summer 2017. I write about what I know. Which is mainly kids, tween drama, gross pets, dealing with lots of government info, our moving adventures, being a nurse, yoga, running, living on too-little sleep, and an addiction to coffee lattes. I hope you'll enjoy this glimpse into our lives.

Friday, April 27, 2012


 A little over one week ago, I flippantly said to my husband "I want to run the Nike Woman's Marathon in San Francisco."  Of course, the fab hubby, who is my biggest running supporter said:  "Just Do It."  [Pun intended.]

Thing is, the Nike Women's Marathon is very, very popular.  To be held in San Francisco on October 14, 2012, Nike is sponsoring a three-day running expo.  25,000 runners will converge on the city for the race - and every spot is highly sought after.  I KNOW!  25,000 runners.  You'd think it would be super easy to register and join in the fun.  But it's actually limited to 25,000 runner.  12,000 of these runners are chosen in various ways - running for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society, being a member of Nike's Team Victorious, being an elite runner, etc.  

This was me, one week ago.
The OTHER 13,000 spots are randomly drawn.  And because the marathon is so popular, the demand for entry exceeds the number of running spots available.  So Nike does a random drawing for the remaining 13,000 runners.  I googled it, and found that chances of getting drawn were slim.  With an "if it's meant to be, my name will be drawn" moment, I threw my name in the drawing.  

The random draw application ended last Friday.  I checked my email frequently hoping for good news.   No news.  No news. No news.  And then I sorta forgot about it, thinking Nike must take a long time to do the drawing.

Of course, just as I start to forget to check for the email, the email actually arrives.  Yesterday, a message from Nike was in my email...I'm IN!!!


Only one month ago, I was debating the status of my running - giving it up?  Cutting back?  Showing nothing but kindness to my knees and running on a treadmill??  And now, I'm actually ramping up my running, doing something I've always said "I want to do at least once in my life."  A marathon.  

I guess it's all or nothing for me.  

So I'm running a marathon!  In San Francisco (which I love), with a huge expo (which I love), and a Tiffany Necklace commemorating the race instead of a medal (which I really looooooove).  

Bring it on.

Yes, really.

I'll be crossing that line on 10.14.12!


  1. Okay, now I'm jealous of the necklace vs. Medal. That is awesome and you will do great. Advice I got from an elite runner here (starts at the front, not back in the crowd like the rest of us at races, and a former marathon coach): respect the distance, put in the time training, have a goal and run your own race. Last one may be a good hint for you with the bigger crowd (mine's only a thousand or so runners)-- don't get swept up going faster than planned to start and you'll have plenty in the tank to finish! Can't wait for the training updates (you be darn careful with thise longer runs in the heat this summer)!

    1. I've been using "Respect the Distance" as my mantra while training! I did 8 miles last week with a running group and kept telling myself that as I watched faster peeps buzz by me! But I managed to finish without feeling like I had killed myself! Thanks for the tips! I'll be using them all summer!!!!!

  2. Congratulations! Completing a marathon feels amazing. Put in the time before hand and you won't be sorry.

  3. YAY! I'm so excited for you (and slightly jealous I must confess).

  4. HURRAH! I'm so freaking excited for you! So, do ALL participants get that Tiffany necklace just for completing the race?! Amazing, if so!

  5. Smiling BIG for you! What a great opportunity and adventure!

  6. Good luck! I ran the Nike Women's Half a few years ago (my first big race) and it was great -- and inspired me to run full marathons. I'm a new EFM and I'm glad to see that so many others have been able to continue running and train for races overseas. My husband and I are headed to our first post this summer (El Salvador) and I'm debating whether to sign up for a fall marathon or just take the year off to give myself time to adjust.
