Welcome to the Wandering Drays!

Not all who wander are lost...

Welcome to my blog dedicated to my family and our crazy foreign service life. Never content with staying in one place, we are excited to share our journey. We've survived two unaccompanied tour (Baghdad 2010-2011 and Baghdad again in 2015-2016), multiple TDYs, and enjoyed a two-year family assignment in Cairo, Egypt. The fab hubby is currently learning Turkish for our next assignment...Istanbul, Turkey! We leave for Turkey sometime in summer 2017. I write about what I know. Which is mainly kids, tween drama, gross pets, dealing with lots of government info, our moving adventures, being a nurse, yoga, running, living on too-little sleep, and an addiction to coffee lattes. I hope you'll enjoy this glimpse into our lives.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

And So 2011 Ends

2011.  It'll be over here in Egypt in just 2 hours.  It's been a whirlwind.  This time last year, the fab hubby was in Baghdad, I had just returned to working in the ER (Kellen was 7-ish weeks old), and it was freezing cold in Ohio.

And now we're adjusting to life in Cairo, our sweet little baby is a walking/destructive force of nature, I have a new RN gig, and [thankfully] it's nowhere near freezing cold in our part of the world.  In fact, we're spending New Year's Day at the Red Sea.  In swim suits.  At the beach.  Alhamdulillah!

Big kids are snuggled on the couch having a marathon TV session.  They'll never make it to midnight, no matter how hard they try.  No big plans for us to go out tonight, just time together.

We're all enjoying the normalcy of being together as a family.  It's been not quite six months since Jason returned from Iraq and I'm still grateful for the time we have together again.

No matter where you are in the world tonight, I wish you a peaceful and prosperous New Year.

Goodbye, 2011.  You were pretty good year.  Can't wait to see what 2012 brings!

Even the baby enjoyed the Waadi!

Spent the day enjoying the Waadi Degla (dry river bed)
recreation area.  Don't worry - this is written in eco-friedly
charcoal that we found!

Sunset in Cairo on New Year's Eve. With BFF latte.  No better way to end the year!


  1. Happy new year Dray clan! I hope it is a fantastic one!

  2. Awesome photos! Happy New Year!!!

  3. Happy New Year! Glad you are all together for this one and that you had a wonderful place to explore and enjoy as a family. Hoping 2012 just keeps bringing you more of the same!

  4. Wishing you all the best this new year and always!! Happy 2012 lady - I'm hoping to be far more connected this year. :)
