Welcome to the Wandering Drays!

Not all who wander are lost...

Welcome to my blog dedicated to my family and our crazy foreign service life. Never content with staying in one place, we are excited to share our journey. We've survived two unaccompanied tour (Baghdad 2010-2011 and Baghdad again in 2015-2016), multiple TDYs, and enjoyed a two-year family assignment in Cairo, Egypt. The fab hubby is currently learning Turkish for our next assignment...Istanbul, Turkey! We leave for Turkey sometime in summer 2017. I write about what I know. Which is mainly kids, tween drama, gross pets, dealing with lots of government info, our moving adventures, being a nurse, yoga, running, living on too-little sleep, and an addiction to coffee lattes. I hope you'll enjoy this glimpse into our lives.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Bring It On! FS Blog Round-Up Shout-Out for Week Ending 7/29/11

Feeling crazy over here at the Wandering Drays.  My hubby just got back from Baghdad on Friday [insert happy dance here] and his UAB arrived a mere three days later.  No kidding.  Something crazier? It could have been delivered LAST week, but I simply wasn't available to accept to such delivery.  I got to dictate delivery date and (sorta) time. Sweetness.

So, I'm up for the Round-Up again, and this week's optional theme is:  PACKOUT!  That's right.  It's packout season for many of us, and I want your stories.  The good (ha ha! right.), the bad (more likely), and the ugliest (most likely).

*Submissions are due this Friday, 7/29/2011 by noon EST.  I'll post the entry late afternoon on Friday.  If you miss the deadline - no worries.  Drop me an email because chances are, I'll still be working on it!

*Packout is an optional theme.  I'd also love some archived feeds if you got 'em.

*Post your submission at the bottom of this blog entry (preferred method) or you can email me directly!

Happy blogging!

UAB from Baghdad.
Not sure the hubby will even unpack this.
We're outta here to Cairo in less than 6 weeks!


  1. Oh, lord, what a topic. I am currently in recovery from our packout. I am still having flashbacks. Feel free to include any of these posts:




  2. Packout for us begins in just a few hours!
    So last night I had these thoughts about how things might go! Cheers!

    'Twas the Night Before Packout!

  3. Still a while away from packing out again but already got the insomnia thing going on...


  4. Hi Heather,

    Here's my story beginning with my packout at the end of April.

    In May, I left Vladivostok, Russia for a domestic assignment in DC. I just passed the three month mark and I'm hopeful everything will show up next week barring any other surprises.






  5. We're on our first post. Oh how we'll do things differently next time. But here's my archived bit on the packout process. http://smylie.wordpress.com/2010/12/15/preparedness-or-retail-therapy/

  6. I have a few...They aren't on pack-outs so much as the things that happen when in transit.

    This is when part of our UAB went missing.

    This is when our stuff was destroyed by mold when it was in a storage unit in San Diego.


  7. Here's our OCD packout link:


    No guarantees that my tips are worth doing, though...

    :) Can't wait to see the roundup!

  8. You are one brave woman to add this to everything else you have going on! My archived posts are all tagged "Move" or "Packout." Here's one and you're welcome to use any that work for you:


    I thought this post by Hannah was really good too.


  9. Thanks for hosting! Here's my decidedly depressing contribution for the week: http://sadieabroad.blogspot.com/2011/07/tale-of-two-packouts.html. (I also really liked the post by Hannah that Becky cites in her comment.)

  10. how about the pack in? here's an item about our uab arriving:


    thanks so much- james and sarah talalay

  11. I am too far in selfish survival mode during this mid-move transition to be able to come up with something but atleast be glad that the State department has heard of the places you are moving. The Navy decided to try to send our stuff to Guam because the angry lady that works at our pack out place on base decided Guyana wasn't a real country.
