Welcome to the Wandering Drays!

Not all who wander are lost...

Welcome to my blog dedicated to my family and our crazy foreign service life. Never content with staying in one place, we are excited to share our journey. We've survived two unaccompanied tour (Baghdad 2010-2011 and Baghdad again in 2015-2016), multiple TDYs, and enjoyed a two-year family assignment in Cairo, Egypt. The fab hubby is currently learning Turkish for our next assignment...Istanbul, Turkey! We leave for Turkey sometime in summer 2017. I write about what I know. Which is mainly kids, tween drama, gross pets, dealing with lots of government info, our moving adventures, being a nurse, yoga, running, living on too-little sleep, and an addiction to coffee lattes. I hope you'll enjoy this glimpse into our lives.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snuggles and Drool

We have what so many parents dream of - a beautiful baby boy who lulls himself to sleep.  In a crib.  At a reasonable hour of night.  Even on his 'bad nights' he wakes up every 3 hours, eats, and goes quietly back to sleep.  I rarely have to rock him or walk him; I've never had to 'wear' him (I have Mommy friends who swear by the Ergo carrier to get through the day); if he's fussy he'll fall asleep in the swing and then I can move him WITHOUT HIM WAKING to his crib.  He doesn't really like to sleep on me.  When he does fall asleep while feeding, I just lay him into the crib and he continues to snooze.  He loves to lay in his crib, all stretched-out and comfy.  Like he owns it.

Ahhh...sounds heavenly, right?

But there is really nothing more wonderful than a sleeping baby on your shoulder.  A snuggly little bundle with that sweet baby smell and those sweet baby sleepy coos nestled by your ear.  Those little fingers curling around your hand or gently tugging on your shirt.  

Wish Granted!

I know I should be grateful for such an independent little guy.  But sometimes, I really wish he was just a bit more needy when sleepy.  I don't mind the drool.  I want him to nestle up to me and snuggle.

Wish granted tonight.  And I don't want to ever forget this wonderful moment.  Kellen slept on me for a blissful ten minutes before getting restless and wanting to be moved into his crib for his stretched-out sleep.  

Kellen's Preferred Slumber Position.
Wonderful, perfect night.  Sweet little baby.  Sleep tight.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I remember the sweetness of the little munchkins. A fleeting moment in time ... for then they grow up to be sassy 7 year olds. *wink*
